➜ TEST appc ti build -p ios Appcelerator Command-Line Interface, version 7.0.6 Copyright (c) 2014-2018, Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 2018-10-29 11:05:17 Operating System Name = Mac OS X Version = 10.14 Architecture = 64bit # CPUs = 8 Memory = 17179869184 Node.js Node.js Version = 8.9.4 npm Version = 5.6.0 Titanium CLI CLI Version = 5.1.1 Titanium SDK SDK Version = 7.4.1.GA SDK Path = /Users/joshualambert/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/7.4.1.GA Target Platform = iphone Command /usr/local/bin/node /Users/joshualambert/.appcelerator/install/7.0.6/package/node_modules/titanium/lib/titanium.js build -p ios --config-file /var/folders/xx/8v65k_c90g936dtq87lmwgk40000gn/T/build-1540829114269.json --log-level info --no-banner --project-dir /Users/joshualambert/Projects/TEST [INFO] Found Titanium module id=hyperloop version=3.1.3 platform=iphone deploy-type=development path=/Users/joshualambert/Library/Application Support/Titanium/modules/iphone/hyperloop/3.1.3 [INFO] Found Titanium module id=ti.cloud version=3.2.11 platform=commonjs deploy-type=development path=/Users/joshualambert/Library/Application Support/Titanium/modules/commonjs/ti.cloud/3.2.11 [INFO] Found Titanium module id=com.appcelerator.apm version=3.1.2 platform=iphone deploy-type=development path=/Users/joshualambert/Library/Application Support/Titanium/modules/iphone/com.appcelerator.apm/3.1.2 [INFO] Found Titanium plugin id=ti.alloy version=1.0 [INFO] Deploy type: development [INFO] Building for target: simulator [INFO] Building using iOS SDK: 12.0 [INFO] Building for iOS Simulator: iPhone 7 [INFO] Building for device family: universal [INFO] Team ID: n/a [INFO] Minimum iOS version: 8.0 [INFO] Logging enabled on port 42752 [INFO] Debugging disabled [INFO] Profiler disabled [INFO] Set to copy files instead of symlinking [INFO] Forcing clean build: /Users/joshualambert/Projects/TEST/build/iphone/build-manifest.json does not exist [INFO] Initializing the build directory [INFO] Found Alloy app in /Users/joshualambert/Projects/TEST/app [INFO] Executing Alloy compile: /usr/local/bin/node /Users/joshualambert/.appcelerator/install/7.0.6/package/node_modules/appc-cli-titanium/node_modules/alloy/bin/alloy compile /Users/joshualambert/Projects/TEST/app --config platform=ios,version=0,simtype=none,devicefamily=universal,deploytype=development,target=simulator [INFO] [config.json] regenerating CFG.js from config.json... [INFO] ----- MVC GENERATION ----- [INFO] [app.tss] global style processing... [INFO] [global style] writing to cache... [INFO] [index.xml] view processing... [INFO] style: "index.tss" [INFO] view: "index.xml" [INFO] controller: "index.js" [INFO] created: "Resources/iphone/alloy/controllers/index.js" [INFO] created: "Resources/iphone/alloy/styles/index.js" [INFO] [INFO] [app.js] Titanium entry point processing... [INFO] created: "Resources/iphone/app.js" [INFO] [INFO] ----- OPTIMIZING ----- [INFO] - iphone/alloy.js [INFO] - iphone/alloy/sync/localStorage.js [INFO] - iphone/alloy/sync/properties.js [INFO] - iphone/alloy/sync/sql.js [INFO] [INFO] Alloy compiled in 0.43618s [INFO] Alloy compiler completed successfully [INFO] Creating Xcode project [INFO] Creating Entitlements.plist [INFO] Creating Info.plist [INFO] Disabling ATS [INFO] Creating main.m [INFO] Creating Xcode config files [INFO] Copying Titanium libraries [INFO] Copying Titanium iOS files [INFO] Installing default LaunchScreen.storyboard [INFO] Cleaning Xcode derived data [INFO] Creating debugger and profiler plists [INFO] Analyzing Resources directory [INFO] Analyzing platform files [INFO] Analyzing module files [INFO] Analyzing localized launch images [INFO] Analyzing CommonJS modules [INFO] Analyzing CommonJS module: ti.cloud [INFO] Creating asset catalog [INFO] Creating app icon set [INFO] Creating launch logo image set [INFO] Missing 5 launch logos, generating missing launch logos from DefaultIcon.png [WARN] If this app has been previously installed on this simulator, you may need restart it to see the latest launch logo [WARN] iOS renders and caches the launch screen to a PNG image that seems to only be invalidated by restarting iOS [INFO] Missing 17 app icons, generating missing icons [INFO] appicon-Small.png - Used for iPad - size: 29x29 [INFO] appicon-Small@2x.png - Used for iPhone, iPad - size: 58x58 [INFO] appicon-Small@3x.png - Used for iPhone - size: 87x87 [INFO] appicon-Small-40.png - Used for iPad - size: 40x40 [INFO] appicon-Small-40@2x.png - Used for iPhone, iPad - size: 80x80 [INFO] appicon-Small-40@3x.png - Used for iPhone - size: 120x120 [INFO] appicon-60@2x.png - Used for iPhone - size: 120x120 [INFO] appicon-60@3x.png - Used for iPhone - size: 180x180 [INFO] appicon-76.png - Used for iPad - size: 76x76 [INFO] appicon-76@2x.png - Used for iPad - size: 152x152 [INFO] appicon-83.5@2x.png - Used for iPad - size: 167x167 [INFO] appicon-Marketing.png - Used for iPhone - size: 1024x1024 [INFO] LaunchLogo~iphone - Used for iphone - size: 320x320 - size: 320x320 [INFO] LaunchLogo@2x~iphone - Used for iphone - size: 374x374 - size: 374x374 [INFO] LaunchLogo@3x~iphone - Used for iphone - size: 621x621 - size: 621x621 [INFO] LaunchLogo~ipad - Used for ipad - size: 384x384 - size: 384x384 [INFO] LaunchLogo@2x~ipad - Used for ipad - size: 1024x1024 - size: 1024x1024 [INFO] Creating launch image set [INFO] Creating assets image set [INFO] Processing JavaScript files [INFO] Writing app properties [INFO] Writing i18n files [INFO] Processing Titanium symbols [INFO] Removing files [INFO] Starting Hyperloop assembly [INFO] Skipping Hyperloop compile, no usage found ... [INFO] Finished Hyperloop assembly in 0 seconds [INFO] Invoking xcodebuild [INFO] Finished building the application in 28s 911ms [INFO] Launching iOS Simulator [ERROR] Simulator is not available ➜ TEST